Best Cat Dewormer Without Vet Prescription

Cats are going to do what they’re inclined to do and they won’t much care what a human thinks of it. That means going wherever they like and getting up to whatever they like when they get there, and when that’s outdoors it creates the possibility of picking up an unwanted guest. Cats get fleas in the same way dogs do, and they can also pick up parasitic worms. Some of them are worse and more of a health risk than others, and this will have most cat owners asking what is the best cat dewormer without vet prescription.
All of them will appreciate the fact that these OTC cat parasiticides can be purchased without a vet’s prescription, and that means you’ll only need to go to a pet store to get them. They’re available over-the-counter because these worm prevention for cats medications are entirely safe to use and for most of them you only need to give them to the cat once each month. This should be the case for any best dewormer cats without vet prescription that you may be considering.
It’s something that all responsible and caring owners will do, and that’s because of what we talked about earlier with the increased risk levels that some worms pose as compared to others. There’s nothing to like about your cat getting tapeworms, but a tapeworm is never going to put your pet’s life in danger. The same can’t be said for heartworms in cats, and the fatality risk that comes with having them makes it so that you MUST have some understanding of the best cat dewormer without vet prescription. Preventing heartworms is that important.
Choices for You
There isn’t just one specific product that we can point to and say this is the best cat dewormer without vet prescription. There isn’t just one that is the best mix of effectiveness and affordability, and one of things you’ll be pleased to learn is that OTC cat dewormer tablets aren’t expensive at all and with most of them you’ll only be buying a package once a year. One of the ones that cat owners seem to be pleased with is Profender, but it only works for roundworm prevention in cats and to stop hookworms and tapeworms too.
Your smartest move, however, may be to have your cat on a combination flea and tick preventative that also works to kill worms in cats. This is what most owners choose to do these days, as it covers all the basics for preventing parasites and only requires you to give the cat ONE tablet a month rather than multiples of them. We can’t include them in any discussion of the best cat dewormer without vet prescription, but if this sounds like the best approach for you and your cat then you can consider something like Advantage Multi Cats that will kill heartworms just as reliably as it does fleas and ticks.