Sentinel for Dogs Without Vet Prescription

No one wants to get caught with their guard down. The whole reason that a dog owner will be giving their pet Sentinel medication each month is because they don’t want to see heartworms getting inside the wire and into the firebase. Military analogies work here because a Sentinel is a soldier or guard who is tasked with standing and keeping watch with a rifle at the ready. This medication can be relied on the same way to guard against heartworm infection in dogs. But can you get Sentinel for dogs without vet prescription?
We’re pleased to tell you that you can get Sentinel heartworm preventative without a prescription, but only if you get pet medication online from Canada and place your order for Sentinel heartworm preventative here at World Pet Express. That’s a good idea in the first place because we always have the lowest prices on pet medication online, and that’s going to be good news for dog owners who reside in parts of the Southern USA that are places where dogs get heartworm more often. It’s these folks that will want to know what is Sentinel for dogs.
Texas is one of them, and we can all assume there are plenty of pooches making people happy in the Lone Star State. We’ve already established that getting Sentinel for dogs without vet prescription is entirely possible, but only if you get Sentinel from Canada because at online pet stores in the USA you’re going to need to have a prescription in order to buy it. So if you feel your dog is at risk of getting a mosquito bite that will lead to a heartworm infection then it’s best to get them started on Sentinel right away
Effective, Entirely Safe
Convincing dog owners of that isn’t challenging, and most will be giving them a heartworm chewable once each month all year they’re protected each and every day. But they may still have some reservations, and specifically with is Sentinel safe for dogs. A veterinarian would be able to tell you why it’s safe, but here’s all you really need to know – if there was any serious risk to use Sentinel for heartworm prevention it wouldn’t be available as an OTC pet med. This is related to why you can get Sentinel for dogs without vet prescription.
You’ll be ticking defense against heartworms off the list as a responsible and caring pet owner, but we feel the need to also mention the importance of a once-monthly flea and tick combo medication too. You can get them in a chewable too, and of course fleas are found everywhere in the USA and every dog will deal with them. That’s the last thing we’ll say around Sentinel for dogs without vet prescription and recommend that you get those medications from our Canada online pet pharmacy too. You can’t stop these parasites from existing, but you can prevent them from endangering your dog.