Buying Popantel for Dogs - No Vet Prescription

Not only cats but dogs are also easy targets for intestinal parasites, which are most commonly known as worms. As a pet owner you should know that dogs become victim to a number of worms including tapeworms, whipworms, hookworms, and roundworms. Out of these, only two kinds of the worms are most commonly seen in the dog’s stool with the naked eye; tapeworms and roundworms. Of course, you want your pet canine friend to be worm free. So, an effective way of dealing with these worms is by using Popantel for dogs.
Parasites are known to be a primary reason for a lot of diseases in dogs. While most people know the dangers of external parasites like ticks and fleas, many don’t realize that intestinal parasites also lead to major health problems.
Understanding intestinal parasites
Intestinal parasites, as the name suggests, are those parasites that live in the gastrointestinal tract of their hosts. Take not that intestinal parasites not only include tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms but also includes protozoa such as coccidia and giardia.
How are dogs infested with intestinal parasites?
Intestinal parasites can make their way into dogs via various routes. Most commonly, parasites are transmitted when the dog ingests spores or eggs of the parasite in contaminated food, feces, soil, or water.
Tapeworms can also be transmitted to dogs when they eat a flea that has been infected with the tapeworm parasite. Meanwhile, puppies can get intestinal parasites from the mothers either in utero or due to nursing.
Why should intestinal worms be treated?
As mentioned earlier, intestinal worms can lead to a number of problems including anemia, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, and malnutrition in canines. Not only do these parasites make your dog sick, but they also negatively affect the people around them. So, you need to be careful.
Recognizing the symptoms of these parasites
Since ticks and fleas are external parasites, spotting them is easy. On the other hand, intestinal parasites can hardly be seen with a naked eye since they live in the intestinal tract of a pet and pass on microscopic eggs in the pet’s stool. There are; however, two exceptions.
Tapeworms shed such segments that can be seen in both the pet’s stool, as well as, around the rectum. Similarly, roundworms can also be seen in your pet’s stool or vomit. Each parasitic worm has its own set of symptoms, and you can recognize the worm with the following:
Large roundworms are the most common parasites found in dogs, particularly in puppies. Infections in dogs are common and are accompanied by symptoms such as wheezing, vomiting, and fatigue. Some infections can also be fatal which is why it is better to take your pet to the vet for a monthly checkup.
There are numerous kinds of hookworms that can lead to diseases in dogs. Hookworms are easily recognizable since they usually cause anemia, especially in young puppies, which can be fatal in most cases. Hookworms continuously shift their internal feeding site in the dog’s small intestine, leaving behind bleeding internal wounds. Anemia also takes place since the hookworms suck the dog’s blood.
Weakened or malnourished dogs can experience poor growth and can also suffer from long-term anemia. Meanwhile, well-nourished and mature dogs can also become a host for these worms despite not showing any signs. If the disease continues for a long term; then symptoms include diarrhea with tarry feces, weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite, and anemia. For puppies with overwhelming infections, pneumonia might occur, making it difficult to breathe.
Adult whipworms are usually found in a part of the large intestine called cecum, and they attach to the wall of the intestine firmly. In the case of a light infection, there are hardly any signs; however, as the infection grows severe and the number of worms present increases, the intestine can be inflamed, leading to weight loss and diarrhea. Moreover, in heavy infections, fresh blood accompanies the feces and can lead to anemia as well.
Numerous kinds of tapeworms can infect dogs. They are comparatively easy to recognize since adult worms are found as segmented worms in the intestine, and they hardly cause any serious disease; however, they do cause an infection.
The symptoms of an infection are quite varied and include the failure to digest, as well as, absorb food normally, variable appetite, and irritability. Other signs also include mild diarrhea, colic, malaise, and a shaggy coat. In a mild infection, there might be no signs, and in rare cases, seizures, emaciation, and intussusception are also seen.
Popantel dog wormer
As mentioned earlier, Popantel for dogs is an effective treatment option for gastrointestinal parasites. This medicine is a combination of the chemicals Oxantel, Pyrantel Embonate, and Praziquantel. Together, these three medicines work to help control tapeworms, hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms. Many dog owners do rely on the Popantel dog wormer medication.
Popantel tapeworm tablets dosage
If you are using the 22-pound Popantel tapeworm tablets, make sure to administer only one tablet for every 22 pounds of the bodyweight of the dog. Remember, the dosage must be rounded off to the nearest 1/4th of the tablet. It is up to you how you want to administer the medicine; it can be given both with food and without food too. In fact, some dogs also accept the medicine as a treat easily!
The dosage for the 88-pound tablet is also quite similar. For every 88 pounds of the bodyweight, you need to administer only one tablet. For dogs that weigh more than 88 pounds, you need to administer the right combination. Just like the 22-pound tablet, this 88-pound tablet can also be administered without food and with food.
Popantel dog wormer instructions
When using Popantel for dogs to treat the issue of gastrointestinal worms, make sure to treat your dog when it is 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks old. After that, treat it after every three months. Lactating and pregnant dogs must be treated at mating, then ten days before whelping. After that, they also need to be treated after every three months. For controlling fleas, the dog needs to be regularly treated.
You can easily purchase Popantel for dogs without vet prescription online from World Pet Express to ensure the health of your canine companion.