Best Cure for Mange in Dogs

Most pet owners will agree that there are few scenes that are more heartbreaking than seeing a dog that has been suffering with untreated sarcoptic mange for a long time. This is often seen with stray dogs, and the fact the animal doesn’t have an owner to give it the care it needs makes it an even sadder situation. It’s such a visible health ailment and you know the animal must be beyond tormented if it were to scratch itself to the point that it’s taken off large patches of its fur. There is a cure for mange in dogs, and you can only hope that the dogs will get the veterinarian help that they need.
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Buy Revolution Buy Frontline PlusFortunately, the condition is easily treatable, and most dogs only require mange medication which is typically an effective way to kill the parasites and relieve the animal of incessant itching. Some dog owners will want to start at the beginning to understand how dogs get mange, and then move to what is the cure for mange in dogs.
One of the more important reminders we should touch on before getting to all of that, however, is that mange is highly contagious and not only for the four-legged of the world. When a dog has mange, it is also possible for humans who touch them to also contract it. So, while the big-hearted among us may feel compelled to pet and console a dog with mange, it really is highly inadvisable. More on that too.
Types of Mange
There are 2 types of mange that affect dogs, and they are:
- Sarcoptic mange
- Demodectic mange
Sarcoptic mange is by far the most common – and least dangerous – of the two, so we’ll focus on that one primarily in our discussion of a cure for mange for dogs. We’ll talk briefly about demodectic mange after.
What Causes Mange?
The bad guy here is the sarcoptes scabiei mite. It’s a microscopic parasitic insect that will jump at any opportunity to get onto your dog’s skin and then burrow (dig) their way into it. Doing so causes the animal to experience extreme itching and irritation. Scratching their skin furiously is the only way the dog can get any relief.
All the non-stop scratching results in the dog’s fur falling out in large quantities, and this is the cause for all the exposed, scaly skin that is the primary characteristic of scabies. Alopecia is the clinical name for the hair loss they experience (and the same for pattern baldness in humans interestingly) and sometime the animal will also develop a skin rash or the formation of reddish crusts on the skin. An effective cure for mange in dogs will alleviate all these symptoms.
How Do Dogs Get Mange?
The most applicable answer here is pretty simple. Dogs most often get mange when they come into close vicinity with another animal that has the scabies mites. They are able to move quickly from one animal to another, and areas where dogs get mange include kennels, animal shelters, grooming facilities, veterinary clinics, and – the most common place of all – dog parks.
After exposure, it’s typically within 2 to 6 weeks before the first mange symptoms for dogs are seen. Owners will almost immediately notice something isn’t right with their pet given all the incessant and feverish scratching. Sometimes the dog will also try to drag itself across carpet or a rug on their side to relieve the unbearable itchiness. Keep in mind as well that as the mites burrow themselves completely into the skin, part of approaching the subject of a cure for mange in dogs is understanding it is NOT similar to a flea infestation where you can take a flea comb and with some diligence take on the project on your own.
There’s also the risk of the dog developing infections in open wounds caused by the scratching and biting.
Which leads us to this – what is the cure for mange in dogs? Well, nine times out of 10 your veterinarian will suggest that you apply a topical scabicide. Let’s discuss treatment options for mange now.
Medications to Cure Mange in Dogs
The most common approach to cure mange in dogs is to use a scabicide shampoo. These shampoos are an effective treatment for mange or scabies but understand that they only kill living mites and not any of the eggs they’ve laid under the skin. the dog’s entire body must be treated with the scabicide treatment and/or scabicide shampoo to be sure the mites are eliminated entirely.
It’s necessary to use some type of parasiticide medication in order to ensure the entirety of mites – including those yet to hatch – are eliminated and you have the most thorough cure for mange in dogs. So, in addition to washing all over the dog with a scabicide shampoo you should administer a medication containing Ivermectin, Selamectin, or s-Methoprene. Revolution is a good choice, with Selamectin to relieve dogs from sarcoptic mange. Frontline Plus also kill scabies mites and their eggs, and its active ingredient is s-Methoprene.
If an alternative answer to what is the cure for mange in dogs is what you’re after, use of a lime-sulfur dip is also a possibility
Generally speaking, a mixed-product course of treatment for mange in dogs will take about 4-6 weeks to see full effectiveness and the animal experiencing relief.
Quick Discussion of Demodectic Mange
Demodectic mange is also called red mange, and it is a much more severe infection. It’s more common in puppies and young dogs, and most often they get the demodex mites from their mother. A standard cure for mange in dogs might not be enough in these instances, and that’s because secondary skin infections often develop as a result.
Buy Mange Meds Without Vet Prescription
Buy Revolution Buy Frontline PlusMedications with Ivermectin are the usual course of treatment here too, and some owners will also be advised to use a medicated benzoyl peroxide shampoo followed by an amitraz dip. Amitraz should NOT be used on puppies less than four months old.