Broadline Topical Flea Treatment for Cats

Fleas are opportunists and if they see your cat passing bye, then they’ll hop on and make themselves at home in their fur. Incessant and fevered scratching are the most telltale signs that a dog or cat has fleas, and cats can get them just as regularly as dogs do. They don’t tend to get mange the same way dogs do if their owners neglect flea treatment, but there are still a whole lot of concerns and you need to get rid of fleas on cats. A first time kitten owner will want to know the solution for best flea and tick for cats, and Broadline is one of the best combination flea, tick and worm killers around.
Kittens grow quickly, and many of them will add nearly a pound (0.4kg) of body weight each month. A month is a long time in a kitten’s world, and just a once a month is how often you need to apply Broadline to your cat’s skin at the base of its neck. But only after they’ve reached 8 weeks. The pipette makes it easy to apply exactly along the shoulder blades and you just squeeze it all out. Most cats like the flavored flea and tick chewable for parasite prevention, but some cats don’t like eating them and so in this case, the topical flea and spray is the better way to go.
And again, Broadline also works to kill worms in cats too and that really does make it the best all-in-one solution. Most pet owners know just how dangerous heartworms are to their pet’s health, and how difficult it can be to detect them. Sometimes heartworms may go completely undetected until serious cardiac damage is done. Fortunately, it’s uncommon for cats to experience heartworms as often as dogs do. For cats, tapeworms are the much more likely unwelcome guest for felines. Broadline is the best flea and tick for cats, and kills both these types of worms, and roundworms too.
Of course, none of these nasty critters may end up being a problem for your cat, but it’s always best to be proactive in keeping your cat healthy. Having the best topical flea treatment for cats is smart if you want to know it’s not a big thing if you cat does pick up a flea or tick.
Fatal for Fleas and Ticks
The fur covering pets is integral to how fleas and ticks latch on, and the fur is what lets them stay out of sight. It’s also the reason that using a flea comb is an exercise in futility if you want to catch and kill any more than just a few fleas. The best flea and tick medication for cats will be soothing as fleas and ticks bite and consume blood from the pet, which is less than comfortable for your pet.
Flea and tick killer medications are effective because they are absorbed into the blood. So, for all purposes, fleas and ticks end up poisoning themselves by parasites. Broadline for cats is good because it kills most of them within 12 hours of application, and that’s what cat owners will want to hear.
Humans don’t have that type of fur, but it might make you wonder if something like a Bigfoot gets fleas because of all that thick body hair. Now fair enough some of you might not believe in yetis or sasquatches or whatever else these huge and hairy humanoids might be called, but apparently their howls are distinctive and unmistakable.
Chewing Lice Too
Back to more domesticated beasts though, both cats and dogs are at real risk of ticks and chewing lice. Ticks are more of a risk because of the way they can transmit disease to animals, but you may also want to consider a flea and tick medication that kills chewing lice too if that is the added problem for your cat. Sometimes the irritation from chewing lice is different and the indicator is that the cat is restless. So, if your feline friend is having a hard time sitting still, then you might want to inspect the head, ears, shoulders, tail and chute of your cat. These are the areas where nits or eggs from the lice can be found and indicating the cat needs a treatment.
Broadline for cats doesn’t kill these lice but you can add another medication to your existing parasite control regimen, so long as it’s approved by a veterinarian. Finally, flea shampoos aren’t a possibility for cats like they are for dogs, and for obvious reasons. If you know a cat that’s okay with being bathed, let us know. Use the best flea and tick for cats and keep it so that fleas aren’t a problem.